Every company should have sound internal controls in place to ensure the integrity of the financial statements.
Internal controls consist of policies and procedures put in place by a company to guide the activities of the financial reporting department. Internal controls are necessary because every company faces risks ranging from reporting errors, to misappropriation of company assets.
There are two main types of internal controls, preventive controls and detective controls.
These controls can prevent the unauthorized entry of employees or transactions into the company's accounting software and access to assets.
Access controls are important as they are the first line of defense in protecting the integrity of the financial statements and other assets. Access controls can be physical or technological.
Examples of physical access controls include:
Examples of technological access controls include:
In accounting software, edit controls prevent certain types of transactions that fall outside of approved parameters. For example, the software may prevent journal entries from being posted to a prior period.
Edit controls are important because they restrict activity of authorized people, preventing errors or misappropriation of company assets. Some examples are as follows:
The concept underlying segregation of duties is that individuals should not be put in situations in which they could both perpetrate and cover up fraudulent activity by manipulating the accounting records. Proper segregation of duties requires that at least two employees be involved in a process so that one individual does not have both the processing authority and the custodial authority of an asset.
Physical controls prevent the unauthorized use of assets. Blank checks, signature stamps, and any other banking information should be kept locked up in a safe place and the key should be retained by an approved person.
Employee education is important in the financial reporting process because when an employee understands the accounting concepts, the internal controls surrounding reporting on those concepts, and the importance of their role, the probability of errors in the financial reporting function decreases.
These are designed to identify problems that have occurred in the financial reporting process.
Balance sheet and select income statement accounts should be reconciled monthly to substantiate the balances.
Monthly financial statement review procedures should be implemented to provide an additional layer of oversight. The reviewer should be either an owner, an accounting manager who is not working in the details of the general ledger making daily or monthly entries, the company’s accounting firm, or a combination of the above.
Physical inventory counts are procedures that should be performed at a minimum, annually at year end. Inventory on the books should then be adjusted to what is actually on hand. This type of detection control is common among many industries and substantiates the value of inventory reported on the financial statements.
Depending on the frequency of counts, the patterns of adjustments made may require further investigation. For example, if you sell smaller valuable ready to use products, and your inventory counts are consistently lower than what’s on the books, you may have theft in the inventory holding facilities.
Using internal audit procedures as a detection control to find errors can be useful in multiple accounting functions. One example of this may be to pull the accounts payable listing at month end and haphazardly select 5% of the transactions to audit.
Another example would be auditing individuals who are on the payroll. This audit would include:
Finally, a whistleblower hotline should be implemented and communicated to employees.
A whistleblower hotline is designed to allow people to report unethical behavior.
Anytime there is a change of accounting software, or a change in an accounting process, the internal controls should be reviewed and updated as needed. Once sound internal controls are in place, the company will need to implement ongoing monitoring activities to identify any control weaknesses or failures. These activities will include having processes documented and updated as needed, employee education, and monitoring the results of the detective controls. For more like this, subscribe to our blog.